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Xtreme Coffee Roasters

Xtreme Blend

Xtreme Blend

Regular price $19.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $19.00 USD
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12 oz bag

Medium Roast Blend 

Origin: Mexico & Colombia (organically grown)

Tasting Notes: Chocolate, Caramel, Citrus 

Elevation: 900 - 1100m & 1650 - 2200m

The Chipas Highlands in Mexico have been known for their substantial production of coffee since the 1800s. The Sierra Madre de Chipas Mountains border parts of Guatemala. This close proximity allows the Chipas coffee to have some similar chocolate notes. After 2013 they started producing higher quality coffee, and in higher volume than ever before.  This bean is grown all naturally and organically by smaller family owned farms in Chipas. Coffee is the main source of cash for their economy so they prioritize conserving the lands resources with clean, natural harvesting. Because of their standard of excellence this coffee has a light, satisfying acidity and contains unique flavor notes like marzipan, red apple, granola, and orange.


Huila is the largest producer of coffee in Colombia. With 16 different coffee producing regions and many different mountain ranges, Columbia has two harvests per year making them one of the biggest producers in the world. This coffee is sourced from small family owned farms in Huila. They learned their trade from other coffee producing providences by working hard as coffee pickers. When they returned home, they quickly put to use their knowledge and created one of the most productive growing farms. They gained recognition around the world quickly, and with easy access to both the Atlantic and Pacific, made themselves one of the easiest, best quality suppliers to export coffee.


Organically grown coffee beans

Storing Instructions

Our coffee is packaged in high barrier layered bags designed to eliminate moisture and sunlight. The bags also contain one way valves which allow the beans to degass on their own. This combination allows the beans to stay fresh for weeks on the counter or in a cabinet. We do not recommend refrigerating or freezing the beans.

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Brewing Styles

The flavor notes of this blend are enhanced when brewed as a drip, a pour-over, or a french press.